The MICHAEL FORUM was initiated in order to enable the MICHAEL PRIZE awardees to discuss their research in an informal setting organized every two years in the proximity of larger European scientific conferences. In these workshops, awardees, trustees of the MICHAEL FOUNDATION, the international jury, as well as representatives of the sponsors meet for two days to have an in-depth and at times controversial discussion of the newest findings illuminating causes, consequences, and the treatment of epileptic seizures.
The speeches given during the forum have been published as a summary article in the journal “EPILEPSIA” for several years.
From October 9th to 11th 2014, Bonn hosted the 12th edition of the MICHAEL FORUM.
The MICHAEL FORUM 2014 brought together 22 MICHAEL PRIZE laureates and 4 members of the Board of Trustees of the MICHAEL FOUNDATION.
A broad range of exciting topics was covered which can be subdivided into several research areas:
Alsstrasse 12
53227 Bonn
Phone: +49 228 - 94 55 45 40
Fax: +49 228 - 94 55 45 42