Addresses of treatment
and counseling services

Certified Epilepsy Centers

Epilepsy centers are superregional competence centers (clinics, departments, specialty hospitals or organizational units of hospitals) for inpatient and outpatient care. They have specialized expertise and equipment to treat patients with epilepsy and similar medical conditions.

The basis of such a center is qualified staff and facilities that support specialized diagnosis, differential diagnosis, and therapy of patients with epilepsy, as well as professional counseling for the families.

Epilepsy centers especially focus on the care and psychosocial counseling of patients with epilepsy that is difficult to diagnose or difficult to treat, and for which the treatment at the primary provider did not lead to seizure freedom without relevant side effects.

Epilepsy centers typically focus either on children or adults. Therefore, the center is either certified as an epilepsy center for adults, or as an epilepsy center for children and adolescents.

In addition to patient care, epilepsy centers also contribute to research, teaching, advanced education and training, as well as information for the general public in the field of epileptology.

The criteria for the certification of epilepsy centers were developed by the German Society of Epileptology and the working group for presurgical evaluation and surgical treatment of epilepsy. A comprehensive definition of epilepsy center [PDF document, German] can be found here.

At present, there are 54 epilepsy centers in Germany [Update: 2024-12-10].

Please select a state on the map in order to find a nearby epilepsy center [contact information in German].
You will be redirected to the German language page.


Alsstrasse 12
53227 Bonn

Phone:   +49 228 - 94 55 45 40
Fax:         +49 228 - 94 55 45 42